Mesotherapy Treatment

Improved skin tone and elasticity

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Mesotherapy – Anti-Ageing Treatment

Men can also suffer with ageing skin and there are treatments that can help. Mesotherapy is used to treat and slow the process of ageing. This treatment improves skin tone and elasticity. Skin appears clear with a notably brighter complexion and reduces fine lines and wrinkles with hydration.

As we age, our skin loses vital nutrients as a result of exposure to UV rays, the damaging elements of the environment and free radicals. Hormonal changes, poor diet, drinking and smoking and poor circulation are also contributors to cell degeneration, thus accelerating the ageing process. Mesotherapy allows the true restructuring of the skin tissue from the inside.

How does Mesotherapy work?

Mesotherapy preparations/anti-ageing cocktails are injected into the dermis at a depth of approximately 3-5mm where the ingredients become active in their role in stimulating new gollagen formation and elastin fibres. Over successive treatments the skin becomes brighter, clearer and fresher looking. To make the treatment comfortable a topical numbing cream will be applied for 20 minutes before injecting. We can treat the face, the neck, the hands and generally anywhere that improvement is required.

8 Proven Anti-ageing Actions

    • Wrinkle treatment – active repair of cutaneous damage
    • Hydration (active & exogenous) – reduction of water loss
    • Brightness / radiance optimisation
    • Stimulation of cellular growth
    • Cellular protection
    • Visco-elastic regeneration

When will I see results?

The improvements are progressive and cumulative and can be noticed from the first session. The skin becomes more hydrated and toned and appears firmer. However, more treatments are required to maintain the skin’s condition, therefore a course of 4-6 treatments are recommended at intervals of between 2 to 4 weeks. To maintain the skin’s rejuvenation a treatment is recommended every 2 months. The skin may be red and slightly tender for 12 – 48 hours.


What are the side effects and aftercare?

As with all injectables there is a risk of bruising and some swelling. An icepack may be applied for 10 minutes post treatment to help with this. Aarnica oinment should be applied as directed to help with the bruising. It is not recommended to have any injectable treatment prior to an important engagement. Allow two weeks incase of bruising for any injectable treatment.

Procedure Time

1 Hour

Recovery Time

30 minutes

Duration of Results

6-18 months

Retouch Booking


Let’s set up a consultation to give you more information about this treatment

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Use the contact form below to select the treatment you would like to discuss and we will give you a call within 24 hours. We look forward to welcoming you to your initial consultation.

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